What's new in Ceros

The latest and greatest in the world of Ceros

March 18, 2021

Object States & Mask Images

Image #1

Release 7.4.1 is live! We've made a few updates to Object States and Image Masks to enhance your studio experience.

Custom Shape Object States

This adds support for custom shape path changes in object states, so that designers can have shapes that change shape when a state is triggered. A simple example would be a triangle that changes into a square on hover.

Named Custom Object States

Currently, custom states are automatically named (State 1, State 2, etc.). Named custom states will allow users to name these states in the Studio, for better usability/scalability of the feature.

Check out educate for a deeper dive of Object States in the studio

Image Masks Interaction Update

• Interactions will now target the mask shape previously, hover and click interactions applied to mask groups use the bounding box of the shape that is masking the image as the interaction trigger. Using the shape's path will make for better and more expected interactions with image masks.

• Targeting the mask shape is a better and more expected experience